Monthly Traffic
Find out what web hosting providers mean whenever they say ‘monthly traffic quotas’.
Every time some data is uploaded to a shared web hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is produced which is a feature that each and every hosting package includes. It's furthermore one of the features it is important to check out, because what amount of traffic quota you will need depends upon what exactly you need the account for. The web site traffic is generally produced by downloads and this includes site visits. In layman's terms, every time someone visits your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on his or her computer system and they are then displayed by their web browser. It is of course recommendable to know that uploads are considered as well, hence whenever you copy larger files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic is generated as well. Different companies may have different names for this specific feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, still they all refer to the same thing - the amount of incoming & outgoing data generated for a particular period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
All our
Linux shared web hosting packages were designed with the notion to handle the website traffic generated by any site that can function in such an account. If you own one or a number of small or medium-sized sites, you won't be limited by the monthly site traffic allowance whatever the content you have - plain text or perhaps many images, for instance. The stats inside your hosting Control Panel will give you elaborate info about the traffic produced by each and every web site plus the amount for your account altogether. The figures are updated live and show both the daily and the monthly usage, so you will be aware of how much info is transferred to and from your hosting account at any moment. The first day of each month the counter is reset, but you'll still be able to see the web site traffic stats for the previous months, that will show you how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Web Hosting
All of the
Linux VPS web hosting packages that we provide have a monthly traffic allowance proportional to the system resources they come with. The more hard disk storage space and processing power a server offers, the more likely it is you will host more web sites on it, therefore the website traffic you can use will increase with every single plan. In case you need extra traffic at some point, you can enhance the plan via your billing Control Panel with no more than a few clicks and the additional system resources, including the greater traffic quota, will be added to your account. You'll also be able to view how much data has been transferred to and from your virtual server all the time. For your convenience, we will update you when you get to 90% of your quota to provide you with enough time to take action and decrease your site traffic or update your package if necessary. From your control panel, you'll be able to see the traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The monthly website traffic allowance that is featured with our
dedicated server packages will suit any type of website irrespective of its type. Your web apps can generate terabytes of site traffic, which ensures that your site visitors will never notice any type of error message on your web site resulting from not sufficient allowance the way it may happen with other kinds of hosting. In addition, we leave the possibility to upgrade the traffic amount open, however it is highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you would like to run a file sharing site or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel offers you precise live info how much data has been transferred for the month to date, and how much remains before you get to the restriction. We'll also notify you once you get to 90% of the allowance just to be on the safe side and prevent any downtime of your sites. The information in our panel includes the entire traffic, plus software downloads, therefore it is more accurate than the one in your current hosting Control Panel where you're able to see details only about the visitors developed by web content.