If you’ve purchased a hosting package and you’ve got certain enquiries connected to a given feature/function, or in case you’ve chanced upon a certain issue and you require support, you should be able to get in touch with the respective client support team. All hosting providers deploy a ticketing system no matter if they provide other methods of contacting them apart from it or not, due to the fact that the quickest way to solve an issue most often is to post a ticket. This form of correspondence makes the replies exchanged by both parties easy to track and enables the client support team representatives to escalate the situation if, for example, a server admin must step in. Typically, the ticketing system is part of the billing account and is not directly connected to the hosting space, which suggests that you will have to use no less than two separate accounts to contact the customer care team and to actually administer the hosting space. Non-stop switching from one account to another may sometimes be a bore, not to mention the fact that it takes quite a lot of time for the vast majority of hosting providers to process the ticket requests themselves.